Nutrition and Snacks

Fresh fruit and vegetables are highly encouraged as a classroom snack. Other acceptable items include: beef/turkey jerky, yogurt covered raisins, cheese, sunflower kernels & raisins, figs, and edamame.

Please do not send Gogurt, applesauce in a cup, or fruit in cups with juice. These items tend to make messes and are hard to clean up in the classroom.

I would encourage all students to bring a water bottle daily.  Please ensure that the water bottle can be easily closed (preferably not a screw on lid as these can easily spill).

Due to severe school wide allergies, we are a Nut Free Campus, please do not send any nut products with your child’s lunch (trail mix, PB & J sandwiches, PB & J Ritz crackers, etc.) For substitution ideas, please click on the Nut Policy below.

Nut Policy

Foods of minimal nutrition value are discouraged at San Tan and may be subject to confiscation by school personnel during the school day. Minimal nutritional value foods will not be sold, served, or given out as free promotion anywhere on school property at any time during the school day:

Foods of minimal nutritional value (FMNV) as defined by U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations that are subject to confiscation are:

  • All food and beverage items listing sugar, in any form, as the first ingredient (including soda and carbonated beverages); and
  • All forms of candy.